Chapter 1:


Understanding of the Vedic Philosophy is big task for beginners,but the work left by the great seer and sages of India.understanding, knowing and application will always helps in ideal way for living and thinking.

Here the just for understanding for the fundamental concepts,I am jumping from one subject to another.

Modern Lifestyle:

The kind of life that people magnetised and with very interestingly accepted the western culture,on contrary most of western people are discontented with their life and Indian Vedic culture is centre of attraction for them.
The problem of today's generation is that Desires,and the desires which nevers ends. these endless desires are the root cause of unhappiness,Does desires has end ? Of course for common man,No ! .When any desire (icchya) not complete you becomes unhappy.The vedic philosophy will gives you a right path towards Happiness, Morality, Principles of happy life in a simple way.The concepts of Vedanta and Indian Philosophy of the Mind actually a treasure,the knowledge of these concepts will fulfill the joy and happiness in your life.

According to Vedanta..

The Advait (non-dualism) Vedantic Philosophy is says that..

brahma satyam jagan-mithyä jivo brahmaiva näparah ||

Brahman alone is real and this jagat is mithyä (Illusion) and the jiva is non-different from Brahman.’ From this statement, the Advaita philosophy can be divided into three distinct areas of analysis – i) Brahman is Satyam, ii) Jagat is Mithyä (Illusion) and iii) Relationship between the jiva and Brahman.
The materialistic world that called 'dvait' the subject or object duality,is ever changing it is not constant,this is like mirage,the reflection are the illusion.
We humans always lives in either delusion (in future) or in the smriti means in the past.mostly the olders are lives in the past and the youngers in the delusion.
Needs to Upasana it means comes to close with self,and realise the ashtitv (Existence)
Life should not be disproportionate,for the spiritual health we needs to synchronise with nature,for synchronise  with nature one should always starts with daily routine as a practice like meal,sleep,waking it will always in harmonious with the nature,the many life's in nature live with nature. For 'sadhana' (Spiritual practice) the things should proportionate like the sleep should sufficient,the amount of food is enough not excess and the amount of thoughts and with the blessings of the guru (Teacher) the sadhna will completed

The knowledge of these concepts will brings the consciousness regarding what's happening with you and what should be is your approach to the future conditions.

Fourth aspect according to Mandukya karika/Upnishada

The fourth aspect of Atman or Self is Turiya, literally the fourth. In this fourth state, consciousness is neither turned outward nor inward. Nor is it both outward and inward; it is beyond both cognition and the absence of cognition. This fourth state of Turiya cannot be experienced through the senses or known by comparison, deductive reasoning or inference; it is indescribable, incomprehensible, and unthinkable with the mind. This is Pure Consciousness itself. This is the real Self. It is within the cessation of all phenomena. It is serene, tranquil, filled with bliss, and is one without second. This is the real or true Self that is to be realized.


Here we lives in the today's congested world,and this world is congested with chaotic ideas, thoughts and ignorance.
Unconsciously things happening with you,very superficially you are conscious,The experience of present state is feels when anything unusual happens.
The concept of 'chitta' and 'chaitanya'  Subconscious mind and Conscious Mind respectively of the Indian Philosophy on mind will helps you to concentrating and true consciousness in the waking state. The omnipotent power of subconscious mind will responsible for future conditions that happen to you.

Power of Thoughs..

Repeating the same thing that mentioned earlier by our great thinkers,
The thoughts that you growing in your mind either Positive or Negative are sinks down into subconscious mind,The subconscious mind does not discriminate the positive or negative or what is right or wrong.with the negative thinking the power of subconscious mind acts on that way and the future conditions happens to you,so every thought is the cause and every condition is the whenever negative thought comes to your mind like "I can't really do that...",go back and correct it,change it into positive way "Yes,I can do it very well". This exercise will brings the positiveness in you.
The affirmation of good thoughts aways works,lots of people write on that and it is really true the law of attraction together works here, Everything in the world has some frequencies and the waves of frequencies has a power of attraction when the similar type of waves of frequencies are present in the world,Our thought or thinking having power to produce similar type of waves of frequencies,but it needs to very positive state of thought and affirmation.The Nikola Tesla says "If you want to find the secret of universe think in terms of energy, frequency and vibrations".

Interaction with peoples

Many times you realize that when you meets some peoples you feels uneasy and uncomfortable, on contrary their are certain peoples when you meets them you feels very positive,energetic and this is happens ? Here is the answer, Their is the certain amount of energy (dynamic energy)builds on each day when you wakes up in the morning,with this energy you have to do your work,so it should wisely allocated throughout the day,some peoples consumes these energy whilst others gives the more energy and positiveness.
Indian classical music have a power of arouse the energy and exuberance,but it needs to perceptive power,like Raga Hansdwani will bring the state of positiveness and feeling of energetic.

Mr Vinod Sunil Uradé

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The way of living and approaching towards the life situations becomes very easier when we grasp or embibe vedic or spiritual principles in our life. Without having principles in life,it is like missing of real consciousness in the life.