Deep Insights into Mind


By Vinod Sunil Urade

Let’s Start..

Peoples now a day quite busy in their daily routine. They don’t have enough knowledge about Mind and they have not time to think on it; How it works?

 Lack of Awareness of mind!! 

The Subject that I am explaining here about the Layers of Mind and How actually it works.

What is Mind?

According various philosophies various Definitions of Mind are there in various literatures, but this one is best, it goes like,

“the element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought.”

Your physical activities are the manifestations of your thoughts, that is coming from your mind. This is rational truth that ‘As you think, so shall you become’.

Peoples many times forgets they have mind! Is it so funny?  Human brain working 24 Hours, day and Night and stops working when person in Exam and either person fall in love. Just kidding!!

Mind is the one part of our body but we cannot have their anatomy, that we can’t show their particular location of mind in our body, but you have to accept that there is something that controls and plays the Emotions, and performs the ‘Captain role’,

One Master who is controller of your body is nothing but your Mind.

Simply mind is the combination of Memory and Intelligence.

Types of Mind:

Many authors stated many things and mysteries of mind according to own knowledge of Mind.

Here I want to explain Conscious and Subconscious Mind.

If we consider Mind is entity and this is having two layers, one superficial (Conscious Mind) and one deep (Subconscious Mind) so it will easy to understand,




There is much about CONSCIOUS MIND to explain, but briefly, Conscious Mind is that Awareness like, when you are aware of things that happen around you, This is like Material Mind, In the ambience that you are living here, you are conscious about external environment, this is your CONSCIOUS MIND. This is very the superficial layer of your mind, but it has its own importance because it is a the channel through which your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND has to act.

Take an Example: What are you doing Now? You are conscious of what work you are doing. What kind of sounds you are hearing? What kind of Smell is coming? is it Foul or Fragrance full or sweet?  Now You are Aware of all these things that happen around you.
The quick responses and reactions come from your conscious mind, but these reactions are the manifestations of your past experiences and emotions that buried or sitting in your Subconscious Mind.


There are lots of concepts and philosophies regarding Subconscious Mind. This is a very vast subject of study, but it is really interesting! and If you get to understand this, you will feel the influences of it in everyday life. 

The Subconscious Mind is a layer of Mind, below the Conscious Mind. Most people are not much known about Subconscious Mind. but if you go thoroughly, you will find about mysterious miracles about your Subconscious Mind and Its Power.

The incidences that happened in past; like you had a conflict with your father, this incidence has happened 3 years back, but after reading this sentence you remember or recall that moment or that incidence. There is lots of such kind of moments that happened in your life since you are born, But you are unaware of these movements; but after remembering these movements all event gets recalled. In a daily routine, we are unaware about these things, these incidences are kept in one part of mind/brain, When we recalls they comes and glows the light on that darkness of area.

The Subconscious Mind is a great Boon for Humans. Together with Will Power you can get what you want.

What do you think, How's you dealing with others, Your reactions and response towards certain moments are inner reflection of the Subconscious Mind. What kind of thoughts going in your mind is goes deeper inside into this layer. As our Ancient says 'as you think, so shall you become. Your thoughts harbor the feed to Subconscious mind.

The Subconscious Mind itself is a Great Healer i.e. Inbuilt healing power inside within you ,but it needs to ‘programmed’ the mind in positive way. If you have a willpower that, I had to overcome to my diseases state, with the help of willpower and Subconscious Mind you are becomes healthy again without Medicine. The Law of Attraction is work together.

There are Two Parts of Thinking on Which Your Subconscious Mind can Programmed.

Positive Thinking:

Be a Good Thinker!! Your approach of thinking towards certain circumstances builds yourself. If you are better choosers, Stay cool always, your approach towards looking things is like this. The most important points in positive thinking are Be Honest, Be Happy, Be respectful of others. When you treat others as you would like to be treated, you are showing the ultimate kind of respect.

Be easygoing and fun. …

Be confident. …

Be emotionally open. …

Be disciplined. …

Take pride in yourself.

Negative Thinking:

 This will destroy you and your happiness, One should overcome with such kind of emotions. It goes like,


























These are negative states of thinking.

The positive thinking enhances the positive power within you. That is leads to your approach for looking things always positive, this one is builds a good and ideal Person.

The negative thinking will destroy the man. destroys the energy amount within you, here you distracted from yourself and your approach to looking things is negative. Take an example, If you are jealous to anyone’ good progress, He have a Car, Bungalow and etc. Can you get the Car by your jealousy?? Can you get more money by jealousy?? Absolutely No!! Then why to Jealous! Here you are destroying yourself. You are ignoring yourself.

There are Many Experimentation are taking place to know the Power of Subconscious Mind. One from that is, 'Placebo Effect’, Sometimes Doctor prescribes you a dummy sugar pills which doesn’t contain any medicinal quality, but doctor enhance your willpower by telling almost good qualities of this medicine but that doesn’t exist at all but still the patient almost gets cured! 'Placebo’ itself good medicine for many diseases. Take another Example there are only 3 to 4 percent species of poisonous snakes in India, but if snakebite happens to anyone, mostly happens is the person gets dies! Why?? The concept of ‘Snake bite causes Death’ is buried and fixed in their Subconscious Mind. After post-death Examinations(Autopsy) doctors gets results that the 'snake was nonpoisonous'.

Your thinking gets buried in Subconscious Mind and It always reflects in your character.

Law of Attraction (ईछ्याशक्ती) and Subconscious Mind

The Certain amount of frequencies and vibrations and Energy are produced in the body as well in External environment. "The Emotions is the Energy” What you think it has some frequencies which are always try to align the things that you want from environment from similar kind of frequencies. This phenomenon like radio, If you have to listen Radio Michi, Your radio should tune with frequency 93.5 MHz which is the ‘Address Frequency’ for Radio Mirchi,

98.4 MHz, the frequency cannot produce good sound even 93.3 MHz cannot produce good sound until your Radio is at proper frequency.

The law of attraction is the great secret, if you want anything, with the help of Subconscious Mind you will get the things that you want. It needs to positive affirmation. There are three simple steps to get anything by Law of Attraction.

First is To Ask What you Want (प्रश्न करे),

Secound is Belief or Trust(विश्वास करे)

and Third is To Get the Result(प्राप्त करे).

There is great relationship between Law of Attraction and Subconscious Mind. The constantly thinking of certain things that attracts you either is Good or Bad, because it not discriminates.

How to Programme Your Subconscious Mind

There are many ways to get programmed your Subconscious Mind, like Meditation, Yoga , Affirmation , Chanting

Meditation: This is a best tool to programme your Subconscious Mind, Here you develop the ability to concentrate on one thing at a time.

Affirmation: Since Ancient times, in Hindu culture there is importance of Affirmation. chanting with holy names with the positiveness. chanting with beads 108 times, you will going to repeat one positive thought with clear visualization and feelings. This is going to create a certain positive Frequency around you and enhance the energy within you. Dandhapani is tells us a great importance of Affirmation.

Vasana Dah Tantra’  (A Vedic Sadhana)

'Vasana Dah Tantra’ is a Sanskrit concept which can manage your Subconscious Mind.

If you have something on your mind that was not settled before sleep, between you and another person, then it goes into the subconscious mind as a 'vasana'

For that, some concept that you need to know. That 'EMOTIONS ARE ENERGY’ And Law of Thermodynamics 'According to law of thermodynamics 'The Energy cannot be created or destroyed but it can be transformable.’

Nikola Tesla’s Says “If you want to find the Secret of Universe, Think in terms of Energy, Frequency and Vibrations

If you have unresolved emotional experience sitting in your Subconscious Mind, Take a piece of paper and Write down the problem on it, crumple up that paper and burn it up in a garbage can because that is something you do not want to carry around with you.

What’s happen after writing on this paper The Experience that Contains Emotions that will separated, The emotions sitting in the subconscious mind comes up in conscious mind and ultimately transform into piece of paper (Tesla’s Rule and Law of Thermodynamics).The Experience should remain but the Emotions are carried because Emotions are Energy !!

So, Build the positive Energy with positive thoughts Conserve the Energy, Be an Ideal Person, Don’t the Happiness, because Happiness is the Manifestation. Happiness is Not Destination, Happiness is the Journey.






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