Homoeopathy and Vedantic Concepts

Homoeopathy and Vedantic Concepts
By Dr Vinod Urade

Concepts Regarding Substancialism And Vedantic Philosophy

The Substantial school of philosophy that considers the Mind as spiritual aspects through the body acts as materially.The connection that I found ,I don't know whether it is right or Wrong but the philosophy of the Homoeopathy regarding the Dynamics is very earliest developed in the Vedanta.

The Ideology of the Homoeopathy regarding the Vital Force and the concepts of Dynamics are comings from the Vedanta which are very earliest scripted by the Adi Shankaracharya and His guru Govindapada. The various verses in the Upanishads tells the Dynamics prospectives like in the Mandukya Upanishad the concept of _Turīya/Turīyam_ which means the substance (Ideally not a substantial form,not sensible by senses,Non Visible but It's existence can be 'experienced') And the other concepts in same Upanishads Which denotes directly the existence of  Chaitanya which we called Conscious Mind and   Chitta which we called Subconscious mind,Dr Joseph Murphy 'may be' studied the Vedanta before he wrote his well known book 'Power of your Subconscious Mind'
The concept of _Advait Vedanta_ (Spiritual realisation of Atman)-Metaphysic
chapter from the Kent Philosophy 'psora' , And the concept of Neighborhood Which states that "Disease developed due to certain hatred and the jealous ,'dysfeeling' to others which is applied to ourself,since the mind just not present in the brain,it's existence in every cells,this hatred and dys/mis feeling towards others leads to dishormony" within ourself (because we are the part of same universe). The same concepts are given in the Vedic Philosophy that Desireless life and helping to others,Good _bhav_( thinking) towards others  are root causes of healthy and long life, So the roots of the Homoeopathy may somewhere shows the existed earliest in India. The Ayurvedic concepts  _Vaat_ (Air), Pitta (Heat), kapha (Water),are the contents as a Constitution in the Homoeopathy .

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